Monday 31 December 2018

As 2018 ends

The last day of the year already.
And what a year it has been.
I finally met Kate Mulgrew who I adore
and went to a Star Trek convention.
Met some wonderful new friends and reacquainted
with old ones.
I can truly say I’m a lucky woman.
2019 will be spectacular. I know that already.
With many new adventures.
Thank you to all that were part of my journey this past year.
I am so grateful to have you in my life.
Wish all of you the best for this coming year.

May all our dreams come true. Love and a happy new year, Catharina

Saturday 29 December 2018

This weeks cards revealed

The cards are revealed and I must say they are all very powerful.
Think about what your card is telling you.

Love, Catharina

Left: Little boy blue
Dreams do come true. Return to the soul.

If you start(ed) something new like a project, job or moved to a new place, this was the right decision.
A thing that you were struggling with will finally be resolved.
If you have issues about some people, think about whether you really need
them in your life or let them go. Use your wisdom. Clear out the clutter.
Get rid of things you no longer need.

Middle: Faery lovers
New love, romance, courtship, falling in love

This is the time when love is all around you and you feel it.
Love attracts love and this is the right time to meet someone or find new appreciation
in the person you are currently with.
Be open to all kinds of love and devotion.

Right: Scared to fly
The right moment. Sensing out the right timing.

You are so ready for changes in your life. Now is the time to consider these changes.
Just listen to your intuition. When you are ready to take action, you will know.
Be patient, do not rush and give yourself time to wait a little longer if you are not sure.
Believe in yourself and you will get the signs to start your flight and soar.

Friday 28 December 2018

Card draw for this week

Time flies when you are having fun right. And this past week I had a lot of fun. Did you?
Decided my Christmas would be exactly as I wanted to spend it and that was exactly what I got.
Soon 2018 will be over. Time for reflection. A lot of people make plans for the new year. What about you? Any exciting new ideas or plans for the coming year? Looking forward to 2019? Please share.

Which card will you choose? Revealing will be posted tomorrow.

This week's cards are from the "Wild wisdom of the feary" Oracle cards by Lucy Cavendish.
Artwork by Selina Fenech. These can be bought at Bookdepository.

Sunday 23 December 2018

I am - a gift to yourself

Two powerful words that can lift you up are I am.
What are you? Who are you? How do you perceive yourself?
Do you love yourself or even like yourself?
We are all unique and a great gift to this world.
I want you to think of the two words and fill in the blanks over and over again.
Be proud of the many things you can come up with.
Invite others to do the same.


Saturday 22 December 2018

The cards revealed

The cards revealed 
1. Left is "Pure joy" Pure joy comes from a place of just knowing. Have faith and trust. 
What is on the card says it all. You are in a good place right now and all is well. Trust this will continue. Just enjoy your time in the vortex of happiness. Yes, it can be this simple.
2. Middle is " Higher Vibration" To maintain a higher vibration let go of any worries and fears you may have. Raise your thoughts and feelings up. Rise above it. 
You need to be aware of your emotional & physical energy. It is ok to take time out for yourself. Ask for help and you will find it is given willingly.
3. Right is "Abundance". Allow yourself to visualise what it is that you want - plant the seeds of your desires today to allow an abundance of blossoming ideas, health, wealth, happiness and joy into your life.
It seems that even though you are comfortable with things as the are in all areas of your life, there is something missing. Be aware that everything you desire is within reach.
#oraclecardreading #oraclecardsreadings #oraclecards #readings

Friday 21 December 2018

It's card drawing Friday again

It is time to draw the cards for this week. What card are you drawn to this week? What is it your Soul needs?
Tune in and pick one. Tomorrow I will post the line up and what they say.

This week I am using the "Soul singing" Oracle cards by Alison Clews and Jackie Murray.

Wednesday 19 December 2018


Today I feel motivated.
Motivated because I believe I can do anything I want and be anything I want.
And motivation always leads to action. And action gets results.
It is actually easy to become motivated. Just by letting the first 4 or 5 minutes after you open your eyes, be about all things you are happy about in your life. It starts the day off with a great mindset.
You will be open for new experiences, ideas and opportunities. A beacon of light and attract others.
So start your day with a smile. I promise you'll see results in days.

Monday 17 December 2018

The demand principle - Prepare to manifest

If you could have everything you want, what would it be?
It can happen. All you have to do is ask for it and believe it will come true.
The law of attraction. Easy right?
But what about all the thoughts that stop the law of attraction in its tracks. Your thoughts that is will not happen because.....and numerous things pop up. For example if you ask for a lot of money, you immediately recall the lessons learned as a child. You have to work hard to get more money.
A solution is to demand. Demanding is expecting something to happen. It is stronger than asking as you know what happens when you demand. It shifts the energy as you expect it to happen. Believe becomes more powerful. So demand and you will see a shift. And with this shift you set everything in motion. The universe always provides. Keep demanding and you will feel the energy build. Build inside of you. That is when you know it is going to happen. Believe = Receive.

The 7 steps of the demand principle
1. Decide what you want.
2. Be clear and specific 
3. Demand it. Say I demand.....
4. Be ready to receive (believe)
5. Expect it will arrive (expect and you know it is coming)
6. Activate the feeling that it is already happening
7. Be in a state of gratitude. (there is always something to be grateful for every day)

Happy manifesting. Hope you will share your stories.

Love Catharina

picture by Timisu Pixabay

Sunday 16 December 2018

Getting unstuck

We all have those moments. Feeling upset or stuck.
Usually it is in just 1 area of our life. The rest is actually fine. But it feels as if there is no solution or no way out.
And maybe there is no immediate solution or no solution at all. Some things just are as they are.
We cannot change things that have happened in the past nor change things that are out of our control.
We just have to accept them.
You have to give yourself permission to move on. Sounds simple and it really is. Things are only difficult if we make it so. So take a deep breath. Count back from 5 to 1 and tell yourself "I cannot change it, so I accept it". Then ask "What is required to change this?" or "how does it get better than this?" and let the thought go.
Soon you feel better, if not already. Stay focussed on the things you can change.
Look forward to the future, but live in the present.

Love Catharina

Saturday 15 December 2018

Relaxation in 10 minutes

What the cards say....

Yesterday I drew 3 cards from the Angel reading card deck by Debbie Malone. The Angel cards are giving you what you need right now. Read carefully and think about it.

Here they are.

Left is the Angel of Harmony card
You have difficulty keeping harmony. There is so much you need to do and want to do, but there seems to be a lack of time. Stress is lurking and you long for some peace and quiet. Relationships can be under pressure.
You need more balance in your life. Try to find it and remember to stay positive and patient. It is ok to say "no".

Middle is the Angel of Nature card
You have a feeling things are going nowhere. It creates a feeling of just not knowing what to do and how to solve it. You have lost the connection to what it is you really want. What you need is to find your higher self again. You know what makes your heart jump with joy. Go out. Take a walk or do some other activity outside. On your own. Connect to nature and you will connect to your higher self.

Right is the Angel of Fertility card
You have been working hard towards a goal. It has been for quite some time too. Always working towards what it is you so desire and even need has left you anxious and finding relaxation is hard.
This card tells you it will happen. You will receive. Surrender your concerns and worries. Everything is ok.

Should you wish to have a personal card reading, you can always contact me.

Friday 14 December 2018

Card drawing Friday

I am a great believer in the cards. They often show great wisdom.
Every Friday I will draw three card after I set the intention to give me 3 cards to show in a line up.

Pick the card that you are drawn to.
Tomorrow I will write about what each card represents and what it is telling us.

Todays cards are the Angel cards by Debbie Malone.

Signs and messages from Spirit

We receive signs and messages from our loved ones in spirit in different ways. Not everybody notice these signs, but please note they are there. Maybe you see the same numbers over and over again. We call these Angel numbers or vibrational numbers. They try to give us a nudge in the right direction, acknowledge that we are doing the right thing or have taken the right path. Feathers are also signs. They show up in unexpected places. Indoors for example and even in winter. And what about smelling flowers where there aren't any or a certain kind of perfume a loved one that passed used?
Our loved ones are still here. They are still a part of our lives. And they are around us and still care for us. How wonderful is that? I strongly believe in the spirit world there is only pure unconditional love. When you invite them in your life, you will notice things will change.

Some books are written on Angel numbers and other signs and messages. A good source is Bookdepository. The sell worldwide and shipping is included. I would like to invite you to sit down quietly and think of a loved one in Spirit and see if you can connect. Just acknowledge that person. Send them your love and see what happens.

Thursday 13 December 2018

"Breakthrough" new "faith based" movie to be released in 2019

On April  2019 a new "faith based" movie will be released titled "Breakthrough"  Based on the 2017 released book "The impossible" which tells the story of a miracle.

Card readings

Card readings can give a good insight in what is happening to a person at this moment or stage of their life. You can contact a medium or a card reader to do this for you. You do not have to be in the same location. The medium or reader set their intention to give you a good reading and all you have to do is to sit back and relax. If you have a specific question, the medium or reader will give you the opportunity to ask it. Most reader will avoid "predicting the future" as the future is not set in stone. Potential however can be seen. Such a reading is called a spiritual assessment.
Several decks can be used for card readings. Depending on the preference of the reader. There are Tarot, Oracle, wisdom and Angel card decks and probably even more. If the reading connects to your soul, we call it a soul to soul reading or psychic reading. The energy of the auric field is read. If you like a reading with connection to the spirit world, this is called a mediumistic reading. The reader connects to the spirit world for this and you require a reader that is capable to do this such as a medium or clairvoyant.

Should you wish to try a card reading,, you can contact me for a discounted price.
Card readings also make a great gift :)

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Oracle cards

Oracle cards

What are Oracle cards?

Here is what Hay House has to say about it:
Oracle cards, also known as wisdom cards and tarot cards, are cards used for divination, fortune-telling, astrology and spiritual guidance. 
Oracle cards and wisdom cards are a modern version of tarot cards.Tarot card readings have been used by people across the centuries to find meaningful answers to questions about their lives, spiritual path and future. Tarot cards are a useful tool for anyone who is a spiritual seeker.
Tarot cards are part of an ancient tradition of divination. One of the earliest surviving tarot card decks – the Tarot of Marseilles – dates back to the 15th Century, and they have been used throughout history for many different purposes.
Oracle cards are useful for anyone looking for answers and meaning. They differ from tarot cards in that they do not necessarily follow the traditional suits of tarot cards. Wisdom cards provide powerful messages to encourage positive thinking.
Many people ask how oracle cards work and there are many answers to that question. Some believe that tarot, oracle and wisdom cards give the user the means that understand their own thoughts and decisions. Others believe that tarot cards give the user the means to access the guiding spirit of the universe. Others feel that they operate by the Law of Attraction, seeing the answers of the cards as the magnetic pull of the universe.

I love Oracle cards. They give insight and when you do a reading with the use of cards, they are a good way to keep your mind from butting in and stay focussed on your intuition. Children love cards too and these cards are excellent for them as the artwork is "magical".

One of my favourite decks is the Magical Times deck by Jody Bergsma. 44 Empowerment cards accompanied by a small booklet. Jody is also the artist. Sometimes you get such good results from a deck and this is one of those decks. If you are starting with cards, I can recommend these. They are usually available with Bookdepository. This company ships worldwide and shipping is included.

  •  1572817232
  •  9781572817234
  •  102.36 x 147.57 x 29.72mm |

  •  U.S. Games

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Hi world.
I have had this blog for such a long time, but never really used it. So now it is time to put it to use. My name is Catharina. I am a psychic medium. Live in the Netherlands with my cats in Bilthoven. Now how did I get to be a medium? You are supposed to be born with it right? I believe we all are born with abilities mediums use, but we lose them as we get older. With me my abilities were dorment too until I hit rock bottom one day and decided something had to change. Met a medium and my eyes opened. Since that moment so much has changed. Took me a while before I could finally say I am good enough to share this with the world. It has brought me so much. I am so grateful I can now help others with my mediumship. A part of this is healing. Come with me on my journey as I venture onto a new path in my life.

Now is the time

How many times have you put things on hold because it just doesn't seem the right time? But you know what? There is never a "right...